Sunday, November 18, 2012

Today's VW Bus Encounter

Everyone has that one thing that they are obsessed with. Some girls are obsessed with diamonds. Some guys (for some insane reason) love to hunt. I, however, love VW vans. And because I love them so much, I barely ever see them anywhere. But when I do, things get serious. Just about everyone I know (family, friends, and random acquaintances) sees them all the time. For example, I check my phone today and what do I see? A text message. A text message from none another than my friend Madie (check out her fantabulous blog at I open the message, only to see this:
Yep. This pulls up to the exact place that I was standing just last night. My reaction to this picture literally caused my dad to swerve the car (think about that). Apparently, the driver stopped, threw out a peace sign, and drove away. No big deal. 

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