Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Most Epic Fall to Ever Occur...Ever

This month commemorates the most incredible fall that I have EVER experienced. Everybody falls--I understand. But you don't understand how monumental this fall was. Allow me to explain it step-by-step. It was the last day at my old high school (before I switched schools). At this school, we had prepaid lunch accounts so we didn't have to pay cash every day. Apparently, the money that's in the account can't be taken out; consequently, I decided to spend a full $75 on food for my friends and me. Seventy-five dollars. To put that into perspective, a single lunch normally costs $1.50-$2.00. Yeah. I bought A LOT of food that day. So after buying around 20 plates of curly fries, 5 soda cans, a bunch of candy and some chips (trying to be healthy and all), I went and asked my math teacher if she wanted any chips. She, of course, said that she'd "worship" a bag of chips at the moment. The ideal situation would have been me turning around, nonchalantly walking to the chips stand, choosing a bag, and paying for it. That's not even close to what happened. There was a makeshift "fence" (if you will) behind me. This "fence" consisted of three buckets filled with hardened cement and topped with rocks. In these buckets, there were large wooden posts set in the cement. And there was an industrial-grade rope connecting the three posts in the buckets. Now that a delightfully vivid picture has been painted in your mind, allow me to describe the inevitable. As I turn around, I start to walk without looking at what's directly in front of me. After realizing that I was entangled in the rope, I started screaming...loudly (keep in mind that this all happened in the cafeteria). Then a bucket fell over. This (because of the cement and my obviously uncoordinated self) caused me to fall with it. I hit the floor with an incredibly embarrassing thud, almost slamming my face into the wall. The entire falling process lasted about 30 seconds, 25 of that being me screaming while tangled in the rope. Laughing hysterically, chips in hand, I look up to see everyone in the cafeteria looking at me (on the ground). On the bright side, I got the chips for my math teacher. Unfortunately I humiliated myself in front of about 200 people and got a large, beautiful bruise on my shin. Awkward.

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