Saturday, November 3, 2012

Living the Boring Lifestyle

I would be posting something that involves me landing on my face or completely humiliating myself in a public workplace; however, I have spent this weekend with myself (catching up on homework). So it may be boring, but the purpose DOES pay off. So this post isn't so incredibly boring, I decided to search for some funny YouTube videos that never fail to make me fall on the floor laughing. I took the time to make sure that none of these videos are offensive to anyone in any way (many videos that I find "humorous" can be offensive to different people). So enjoy!

I am about 200% positive that just about every human either laughs or secretly laughs at this video. You just can't be unamused by an 8-month-old baby laughing hysterically at his father's job rejection letter being ripped up. It's honestly impossible (I tried).

This video brings out different reactions in every person. Some people (like me) find this video to be the best thing they have ever seen a dog do. Other people may be completely scared out of their mind when it goes into slow motion and sounds like an evil entity. And some people (I will admit) may possibly be offended by this video because the dog supposedly inhaled helium, which isn't healthy. I have no proof as to whether this video is legitimate or fake, so I'm not positive if this dog was actually harmed. This video still makes me die laughing every time though. 

This is (obviously) a video of two cats having a standoff. *There was no animal cruelty involved in this video.* The so-called "ninja cat" on the right defies the laws of nature. If my cat EVER pulled this off without face-planting the sidewalk, I would personally give him an award with his name on it. 

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