Thursday, November 8, 2012

Part One: My Unhealthy Obsession

There are going to be two posts this week. Obviously this is the first out of two. I decided to make this Part One and the next one Part Two even though they are most likely not going to be related at all. Anyway, I'll stop rambling on. Almost every teenager has one car that they want more than any other in the entire world. For some, that car might be a BMW, a Mercedes, or maybe a Honda or a Ford. I am not a particularly big fan of new cars. So this is my dream car (brace yourself)...

Yes. It is INDEED a VW Van. One from the 70s, not from now. You may wonder why I would want such a car (van, rather). Well, I worship every single thing about this van. I love the way it looks, the vibe it gives, the room it has, the dashboard, the steering wheel, even the knob that tunes the AM radio inside. I don't want this van to give off the impression that I am a "hippie" (if you will) which many people think. I just adore this van through and through. Believe me, I do. 

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