Saturday, October 27, 2012

Expect the Unexpected in Paranormal Activity 4

When people go to the movie theater, they expect the normal experience--seeing a movie, getting a few snacks, and enjoying some time with their friends. I decided to go see Paranormal Activity 4 with a few friends yesterday, and I experienced everything BUT normal. For the first half of the movie, life was good. About halfway through, an obviously drunk Hispanic man comes in and sits in the one open seat next to us. For about 20 minutes, he (obnoxiously) would comment profanely about the movie and say other things loudly. He also grabbed my friend's soda and started drinking it. While this guy was there, my friends and I were silently losing our minds (laughing so hard). Finally, a man in the front row turns around and yells, "Look. If you don't shut up and watch the movie like everybody else, I'll get you kicked out." The guy did not understand this statement, so he continued to be disruptive. The man eventually got up and left the theater and later came back with a police officer. When the officer confronted him, the drunk man tried to shake his hand and then tried to blame the disturbance on us. When the police officer said, "Let's go," the drunk man said "No, no, no, no, no." The officer quickly responded with "Si, si, si, si, si." As he was escorted out, the man in front stood up and said, "Adios, chico." Everyone applauded and my friends and I were still laughing hysterically. We got to watch the rest of the movie after that. On the bright side, we got to see both the movie and a hilarious show.

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