Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pilot: The Jimi Hendrix Prophecy (Not Random At All)

Even though this video has absolutely nothing to do with my blog, I thought I'd post it because it is by my favorite person of all time. This is a video compilation of "Are You Experienced?" by Jimi Hendrix. For those of you who have absolutely no idea who Jimi Hendrix was, he was one of the most legendary artists of the 1960s. He was one of the best and most memorable performers at Woodstock in 1969. His songs are still popular today (with some people). Jimi Hendrix died on September 18, 1970.  What's strange about his death? He predicted it! According to Epinions, "In 1965, Knight had recounted to Hendrix a dream in which Hendrix appeared to him as a vision in spirit form. Jimi told him, 'Curtis, I want to tell you something. It is now 1965, and I will be dead in five year's time: but while I am here I will travel many highways, and I will, of necessity, die at a time when my message of love, peace and freedom can be shared with people all over the world.' This was in September, 1965, almost five to the day before his actual death. Knight was deeply moved by this, and immediately wrote a song called The Ballad of Jimi, which went, 'On that first day he played my guitar / Somehow I knew he'd travel far / Many things he would try / For he knew soon he'd die / That is my story / It has no end / Tho' Jimi's gone / He's not alone / His memory still lingers on / Five years, this he said / He's not gone / He's just dead.'" ("The Mysterious Death of Jimi Hendrix." Epinions. N.p., 18 Apr. 2008. Web. 20 Oct. 2012.

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