Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm Back (Flee to Your Bomb Shelter)

I'm back with a slice of heaven. Three words: Hendrix, Venice, Reincarnated. Watch and your life will change forever.

Zoom in with your eyes. Admire the appearance. Zoom in with your hears. Admire the Golden Voice.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

This Beats the Mona Lisa By Far...

I would have never seen this iconic piece of heaven if it weren't for Madie ( By the way, I just lurked her blog (Madie, if you're reading this, omg) and the perfect phrase for this turned out to be "über nostalgic".  This is an exquisite rendering of none another than the glorious Jimi Hendrix in 5,000 guitar picks. 5,000 guitar picks. Wow. Apparently, this beauty sold for 23,000 Euros.


IT FINALLY HAPPENED. I did not get this picture from a text message. Oh no. I saw this beautiful piece of art while driving down this huge road that I forgot existed. I only saw the back (with the huge white bumper and classic trunk window) passing by at about 45mph. I know those features anywhere! The irony (of course there's irony) to this situation was that my dad and I saw a huge RV for sale about 1/4 a mile before this. My dad said to me, "You can just get this as a car! I mean forget the van-". And there is was. You can imagine my reaction (it's too hysterical to describe in words). Anyway, after we had already been to where we were going, we ended up turning into the parking lot where it was and took LOTS of pictures. This was the best one, though.

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's December 21st, 2012...Well?

For months, I brushed this day off. "It's all so stupid" was my phrase of choice for describing the apocalyptic theories about today, December 21st, 2012. For the entirety of this week, my teenage stupidity started to kick in. I was basically puking phrases like "Yep. It's all going to end." and "We're all going to fall into the abyss in the middle of our Chemistry test...yay!"

I have officially decided on my view of what today has already brought and will bring.
Click on this link for a thorough explanation of it (I am WAY too lazy to write a novel today):,%20Rebirth%20&%20the%20Dimensional%20Shift

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another VW Spotted

It has indeed happened again. I randomly check my phone after a long day of no texts (because I'm a hermit) and what do I see? A text message. From my mother this time. With this glorious abomination:

Indeed. The issue that I mainly had with this picture is that I was supposed to go with my mom. I was too lazy to get my catlady self off the couch and go with her. According to my mother, she literally stopped in the road (seeing the van approaching from a mile back) and caused a backup of traffic to take a picture of half of a van. My reaction to this picture sounded incredibly similar to this:

WARNING: Turn your volume down before clicking on this link.

Anyway, what is the moral of this riveting story? Don't be lazy. Don't be a cat lady. Don't be a hermit.

You're a House, Not a Car.

House what are you doing. You are not a car. You are supposed to be firmly connected to the ground. Not blocking the entire road. Get back to your address and be yourself. Don't give into peer pressure. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I've Got Places to Go and People to See

I don't have much desire to leave the country, except when it comes to Canada. Basically, I want to go all over the country (but mainly California of course) to see all the cool little towns that haven't been mutilated by condos and lots of traffic yet. Some prime examples are the following:

Arcata, California: In general, I have heard that this place is beautiful. There's lots of redwoods there (you know, those huge trees that they talk about in "This Land is Your Land"). It's supposed to have lots of festivals and VW buses and weird people. It sounds heavenly.

Venice Beach, California: Wait, I've already been here. It is indeed one of the greatest places on Earth. Don't judge my ways.

The Majority of Oregon: Artsy. Hippies. Need I say more? Too bad, you'll have to ponder on it.

There are TONS more places that I want to go to, but I was too lazy to name them all...

And how will I see these places, you may ask? A roadtrip. Not just any road trip, this kind of road trip.