Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another VW Spotted

It has indeed happened again. I randomly check my phone after a long day of no texts (because I'm a hermit) and what do I see? A text message. From my mother this time. With this glorious abomination:

Indeed. The issue that I mainly had with this picture is that I was supposed to go with my mom. I was too lazy to get my catlady self off the couch and go with her. According to my mother, she literally stopped in the road (seeing the van approaching from a mile back) and caused a backup of traffic to take a picture of half of a van. My reaction to this picture sounded incredibly similar to this:

WARNING: Turn your volume down before clicking on this link.

Anyway, what is the moral of this riveting story? Don't be lazy. Don't be a cat lady. Don't be a hermit.

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