Thursday, December 27, 2012


IT FINALLY HAPPENED. I did not get this picture from a text message. Oh no. I saw this beautiful piece of art while driving down this huge road that I forgot existed. I only saw the back (with the huge white bumper and classic trunk window) passing by at about 45mph. I know those features anywhere! The irony (of course there's irony) to this situation was that my dad and I saw a huge RV for sale about 1/4 a mile before this. My dad said to me, "You can just get this as a car! I mean forget the van-". And there is was. You can imagine my reaction (it's too hysterical to describe in words). Anyway, after we had already been to where we were going, we ended up turning into the parking lot where it was and took LOTS of pictures. This was the best one, though.

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