Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Secret Portfolio

So I decided to go through my computer today in an attempt to clear out all the clutter that has accumulated throughout the year. I found a lot of meaningless stuff, repetitive shopping lists, funny (really funny) pictures, and things like that. I also found this group of pictures that I took with a film camera (that's why some of them are messed up...). These are all pictures in towns in North Florida, namely Gainesville, Hawthorne, and Micanopy.

You would think that I was standing on dry ground...or maybe in a boat of some sort when I took this picture. Nope. I was standing in waist-deep water. Wearing clothes.
This little lizard has life completely figured out. Look at him, just chilling like he has no homework, no school, no job, and no stress. We can all learn from this guy.

 This is just a pretty Church in Micanopy. You can't see it in the picture, but there was a fallen tree across the road to the left of me when I took this picture. It wasn't even there long. What if its falling was...delayed in some way? Lucky for me. 

 This is Moo. I know, I know. The most original name for a cow in the universe as we know it. Moo was actually a baby a couple months (years...I'm delusional) ago. For those of you looking for that someone special, Moo loves long walks through the pasture, eating grapefruits, and singing.

 Best picture ever. Just saying. Best picture ever. Need I say more, peasants? 

Just kidding; you're all queens (even the guys).

This, children, is a lake. A lake is (insert completely unnecessary definition here). People (meaning I...occasionally) swim, fish, and canoe in this lake. Sometimes. 

The pink building on the right is Leonardo's, a rather obscure yet completely awesome guitar store that I go to frequently (I bought my guitar there). For those of you who are redneck fanatics, this is (I'm 99.9% positive) the background for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour with Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White. Except it's called Crawford's in the picture. It's an old picture.

Coca Cola. That would hit the spot right about now. Even though I'm not a fan of soda. 

Step One: Drive through a cool, old neighborhood. 
Step Two: See an cool, old pickup truck in the cool, old neighborhood.
Step Three: Step out of car to gaze at cool, old pickup truck in cool, old neighborhood.
Step Four: Take nostalgic picture of cool, old pickup truck in cool, old neighborhood.
Step Five: Post picture of cool, old pickup truck in cool, old neighborhood on awkward blog.
[Cross this out]

Just skipping down the sidewalk, and what do I see? This perfect, exquisite rendering of the famous Dark Side of the Moon triangle. Pink Floyd. 

I thought that this tombstone was really cool and artistic. It's really, really old (1849-1908). So I decided to be artsy and take a picture of it. 

Again, this is one of many attempts to be artsy.

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