Thursday, November 29, 2012

Apparently I Work at Staples...

All I needed was a pencil. Being the most commonly used writing tool, I (of course) could not find one anywhere and decided to just go buy a pack of my own. I went right after school, so I was wearing a red polo shirt and khaki pants. You see where this is going. Walking around the store for an hour (you'd think I had the brain capacity to easily find a wooden stick), about 10 different customers pestered me with questions like, "Excuse me? Where is the bathroom?" and "Can you please point me to where the pushpins are?" I told these people the following: 1. I am NOT a Staples employee. 2. I can't even find a pencil in this store, let alone pushpins or the bathroom. Nine out of the ten people apologized and left me alone. One woman accused me of lying about not being a Staples employee and made a fuss about it (there's always the one crazy woman). That was my cue to leave.

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